Active Member
All memberships are family memberships. Spouses, significant others and children are entitled to participate in all chapter activities. However children may not have voting rights. Active Members are encouraged to benefit from, and contribute to, the knowledge base of the Chapter.
Virtual Member
Due to distance limitations (you can live in any state), Virtual Members are invited to all virtual activities, which include Chapter meetings, programs and educational activities. They are entitled to participate but cannot vote at meetings, and may not hold office. Virtual Members are encouraged to fully engage and contribute to the network of experience and knowledge within the Chapter.
Founding Member (Closed)
During the Chapter’s initial year of formation, those who became Active or Virtual Members will be designated Founding Members and shall have their names so entered in the permanent official records of this Chapter.
Honorary Member
The Board may designate an individual or company as an Honorary Member who, in the opinion of the Board, has rendered outstanding services to the Chapter.