
The Southern Peach T’s became the first Georgia chapter of the MTFCA (Model T Ford Club of America) as of March 25th of 2021. Twenty-some energetic, like-minded Model T lovers officially formed a Chapter to better preserve a piece of transportation history, to share knowledge about this iconic vehicle and to offer driving events for the enjoyment of members and the community.


The mission of this Chapter is to provide an outlet for the preservation, education and driving of Models T’s Fords for enthusiasts of all ages. To unite the entire membership, raise the experience level of all Members and educate future generations, we offer a network of experience and knowledge through Chapter meetings, programs and activities throughout the year, while planning and leveraging tours, cruises, car shows and parades throughout the state.

Why Join?

  • Chances to Interact with like-minded Model T “Fordatics”
  • Every meeting contains an educational component – Let all keep learning about T’s!
  • Knowledge base of experience shared by each member
  • Get Involved – Our goal is for every member to help on a committee with the time you can offer

What Makes Us Unique?

  • Active Members – Those who become Active or Virtual Members will be notified of all chapter and association activities and events.
  • Addition of Virtual Members – Participate from anywhere in the world
  • Youth Ride activity – our community outreach


There will be a minimum of eight (8) formal Chapter meetings per year, including the annual meeting, which will take place in January. The date, time and location and an agenda for the meetings will be sent out at least seven (7) days in advance by e-mail to all members, and posted on the web site. When in-person meetings are resumed safely, meetings will be hosted around the state. The current virtual meetings offer a valuable platform to solidify our organization and emphasize the education and networking goals of the Chapter.

Tours, Swap Meets, Shows

When in-person gatherings are safe to resume, our committees will share the plan for these events.